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Don’t Make Excuses, Celtics: The Bulls Were Better

Published by on April 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Now that Game One of the Celtics-Bulls first-round series is over, people only want to talk about KG's absence this, KG's absence that.

And that just sickens me.

Yes, with KG the game would have been different.

Yes, I know that Boston with Garnett would have been more dominant.

Yes, I also know that "Big Ticket" is the leader of the C's.

Still, all of this is just a big excuse. Why can't people admit the the Bulls deserved to win this one.

I mean, that's the truth.

Let's face it: Rose treated the Celtics like a bunch of high school kids. He did whatever he wanted to them, and don't tell me that with KG on the court, Rose would have been less dominant. Garnet...

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