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RFB Printing Press Rejects: Ja-Macha-ing Me Crazy

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Some readers may not know that as well as striving to provide quality, up-to-date Brewers news, takes, interviews and features, Right Field Bleachers also prints and sells T-shirts. Over the years, we’ve seen our shirts worn by countless fans at games, have recognized them on Brewers telecasts, and have shipped orders to almost every state in the country. But not every RFB shirt idea makes it out of the meeting room—until now. Printing Press Rejects will periodically provide a glimpse into some less-than-popular shirt ideas…or, more accurately, allow us to make low-quality Photoshops of lower-quality puns.

“Ja-Macha-ing Me Crazy”

How it came about: Around th...

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