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Mats Sundin: Where Are You?

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

With only two games played and one goal scored, I'm starting to wonder if Mats Sundin has what it takes to really settle into these playoffs. 

He's missed most of the season and hasn't played much in the playoffs.  I wonder if that's going to affect his play.

Does Mats Sundin have what it takes to make the Vancouver Canucks win the Stanley Cup? I know that without good games from Sundin the Canucks won't survive. The Canucks need Sundin because without him Vancouver doesn't have a second line centre. Wellwood might be able to fill in, but I just don't think he's consistent. 

But even with Sundin in the lineup can Vancouver really win with this guy? I mean, Toronto never did and they ha...

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