Featured, NFL NEWS

The Absence of Football Made Me a Pittsburgh Steelers Fan

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Imagine a land without football.  I lived there.  Well, not the football that I was used to.

I was born in Pittsburgh but grew up in Ohio.  No jokes yet, please!  I didn't have to live in Pittsburgh to know that my team was the Steelers: it was in my roots, and the team was making history.  

I gravitated toward watching the games, just myself and my Dad.  His only rule was to listen and learn—questions would be answered during commercial breaks.  

I was a member of Pittsburgh diaspora, watching the odd game, combing the sports columns of the Columbus Dispatch gleaning for articles on my team among the columns weighed down with news of the Buckeyes, Browns, an...

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