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Open Mic: A Proper Way to Honor Jackie Robinson

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Yesterday Major League Baseball and the office of the commissioner, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to make it mandatory for all uniformed personel—players, coaches, managers, and umpires—to wear Jackie Robinson's number 42 in an attempt to honor the man and his accomplishments.

This was a foolhardy exercise bound up in P.C. chains and force-fed to the baseball viewing public. 

I am heartened to see a fair number of the residents of Bleacher Report saw this ruse for what it was; did not blindly roll over, lick the boot of Commissioner Bud, and tell him what a wonderful thing it was he had done.

I never saw Jackie Robinson play—was too young for that. I was there at a tender age w...

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