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T.O.: Please, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Owens can't find a house in Buffalo.

This is one of those 'non-stories', one of those bonuses you get as part of the Terrell Owens package.

According to USA Today, Owens has been snubbed by several Buffalo-area landlords because they do not want the added attention that he brings to the neighborhood.

Although realtors say that this is an exagerration, there is some credence to it.  His reputation for 'drama' precedes him—that cannot be disputed. He is also being followed around by paparazzi and a VH1 camera crew that is taping his ridiculous reality show, which will air in July.

If the rumors of him being shut out of housing are true, can you blame the people involved? This guy ch...

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