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Writers Wanted To Holler From The Tree Tops Of WPS

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLS

He who has a thing to sell,

And goes and whispers in a well,

Is not so apt to get the dollars

As he who climbs a tree and hollers.

So were the words on a Lipton tea bag that I sipped from at my little Grandma Civin's house about 30 years ago. Grandma was a tiny woman, with a slight Russian accent. A pleasant woman who had more friends than anyone I had ever met. I reminisce foolishly but all in all just wanted to tell the story of my tea bag. 

I loved to drink at Gram's house due in part to the sayings on her Lipton tea bags. Even when they'd sink into the bottom of my cup, I'd fish them out and let them dry on my napkin as I drank tea and ate Stella Doro cookies with Gram.
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