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A Tale Of Two Cities: Red Sox/Yankees Economics In The 21st Century

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Lieutenant Island Views: Commentary About Finance, Politics and Baseball A Tale of Two Cities: Red Sox/Yankees Economics in the 21st Century |  The last five years have been the best of times for Red Sox fans. Starting with their infamous collapse in 2004, they have been the ugliest, if not the worst, of times for Yankee fans.

One could argue that the performance dichotomy is the result of two disparate economic strategies. The Yankees continue to follow strictures established by Col. Jake Rupert in 1920: spend significantly more than any other team to hire away the biggest names in the majors. The Red Sox operate with a hybrid version of Moneyball, relying heavily on home grown talent, making strategic bets on rec...

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