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A-Waste: The Alex Rodriguez Book Sucks

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Those who know me personally know that I am a man of my word and that I would never steer anyone wrong, much less a fellow sports fan.

So believe me when I tell you...do not waste your money on Selena Roberts' A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez. It is truly one of the worst sports biographies I have ever read.

My hopes were dashed almost from the start. I had expectations of Richard Ben Cramer's Babe Ruth book or Jeff Pearlman's wildly underrated take on Barry Bonds, Love Me, Hate Me.

Considering the ample hype, I thought the book would shed light on what it advertises: Alex Rodriguez's many lives.

Nope. It focuses on two of them: the occasionally caring and loving Alex and the evil, need...

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