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Alex Cora To Return to New York Mets Tuesday; Who Leaves?

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The recent rash of injuries has been getting completely out of hand, to the point where many of us are wondering whether or not the training staff is properly doing its job. Today, we have some positive news on the injury front.

Jose Reyes has been sent to Single A to play some rehab games, and the Mets hope to have him back on Friday, and almost as important, Alex Cora will return tomorrow from the disabled list. But that leaves a question. Who is going to go?

I can think of several guys who could be potential options.

First, let’s talk pitching. Ken Takahashi has been alright in his brief stay with the Mets, but I think that his success is a bit overblown. The guy is 40-years old, and while he has...

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