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Alex Rodriguez: Wiping His Butt With the Fabric of America

Published by on May 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

It has often times been said that baseball is part of the fabric of America.

I'm not trying to pass quick judgement on Alex. But I will say this, if he DID tip Pitches off to opponents, then he has wiped his a*s with the fabric of America.

I hope that he didn't do it. We already know he did steroids, he's the highest paid baseball player that has ever walked, skipped, jumped, or crawled on the earth and some historians are already putting him ahead of the old greats like Honus Wagner as the best Shortstop in history.

It would be a shame if anyone did this, but being the highest paid player and (maybe) the best Shortstop ever makes it all the more disheartening. 


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