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Around the Majors: May 4: Greinke, Young, LaPorta and More

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

How good is Zack Greinke?  Has Michael Young returned to his 2005 form?  Will Jhonny Peralta ever hit?  Let’s look at these questions and all the rest from yesterday’s games, including Matt LaPorta’s first major league home run.


Boston vs. New York (AL)

Jason Bay returned to the Red Sox line-up, going 3-for-5 with 1 HR, 2 RBI and 1 R.  Hitting .321 with 6 HR and 22 RBI, does anyone else think that he should not be hitting sixth?  Behind J.D. Drew? Phil Hughes went four innings, giving up four runs (three earned) on seven hits and four walks, striking out two.  It’s against the Red Sox, so I wouldn’t let it discourage fantasy owners.&nbs...

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