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Barry Bonds: The Last Piece to New York’s Championship Puzzle

Published by on May 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

On the eve of what could be the Yankee’s first double-digit game wining streak in quite some time, I’m beginning to see that old Yankee fire burning again. The team is hot, and critics can finally see the impact of Alex Rodriguez's return to the lineup.

Everybody is seeing better pitches to hit, and Rodriguez himself has been en fuego!  This also happens to be about the time when angry fans of sub-.500 small market teams begin to revolt against Yankee capitalism. Hank “The Bank” Steinbrenner has shown that he is willing to make a big splash, and what could possibly ever cause a bigger uproar than signing the steroid-filled home run machine that is Barry Bonds.

Okay, so you guys are probably...

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