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Billy Beane’s Lack of Adaptation Means His Genius is Gone

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Billy Beane used too make great decisions and make trades that benefited the Oakland A's, but lately, Beane's genius has backfired on him, and it hasn't been pretty for the Oakland A's.

No one could make the argument that the hiring of Ken Macha was the beginning of the end for the A's run, but at least Macha had teams that made the playoffs and had a winning record.

The first real mistake by Beane, though it happened long before the hiring of Macha, was that Beane was so intent on pitching prospects that he forgot about developing the corner infielders, mostly at first base and as the injuries mounted for Eric Chavez.  It was also time to invest in a third basemen as well.

With that being said, tha...

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