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BREAKING NEWS: Ken Griffey Jr. Signing for One More Season

Published by on November 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

"The Kid" will be back for one more season in 2010.

Reports are coming out of Seattle (and Chicago) that George Kenneth Griffey Jr. will be signing with the Seattle Mariners for the 2010 season.

I know that he is not the same player that he once was, and that he doesn't add much to the roster at this point, but for the class act that he is, he deserves to go out when he wants to.

He is my favorite player of all time. And, over all major sports, he is my second favorite athlete of all time behind the great Michael Jordan.

In all my years seeing Chicago sports games, I only got to see him play once, and he graced my visit with a home run against my hometown Cubs, when he was playing for the Cinc...

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