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Chris Burke: the Downfall

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Chris Burke's career hit a new low on March 29. On March 29, Chris Burke was acquired by the Seattle Mariners for cash considerations to take place at the non-roster invite camps.

How much were the cash considerations, you ask? Well, exactly $1.00. Chris Burke was traded to the Seattle Mariners for a buck. That won't even buy you a baseball. It won't buy you a bat. It won't buy you a hat.

Well, today Chris Burke was given back to the Padres for cash considerations.

How much were the cash considerations, you ask? Well, $1.25.

Chris Burke was a talented kid in college at the University of Tennessee, where he led his team to the College World Series in 2001. That year, Chris Burke's Volunteers be...

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