Featured, MLB NEWS

Dom DiMaggio Dies at 92: Red Sox Fans Lose Another One of “The Teammates”

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Sometimes in the wake of a black event, the "Baseball Gods" have a way of evening the score. They have a plan to make things hurt a little less and allows us to keep things in perspective.

If you don't know about the events of yesterday, you've been reading Vogue instead of Bleacher Report. Venom litters the pages on MLB, Red Sox, and Dodgers sites and more than likely on Sports & Society, Opinion, and even the other MLB community pages throughout B/R.

As both writers and as fans, we love this stuff. We love the drama as much as we say we don't. We are rubber-necked drivers slowing as we pass a flipped car in hopes of seeing blood. It's human nature. I'm not here to question why, only to state that it exists.

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