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Five Reasons A’s Manager Bob Geren Should Be Sacked

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

With the Oakland A's mired in last place in the AL West, I've begun to wonder: Is manager Bob Geren on the hot seat or not?

Only general manager Billy Beane knows for sure, but if Geren is not close to being replaced, he should be.

Here are five pieces of irrefutable evidence I'll offer in support of this conclusion:


1. Geren Has Ruined the Team's Greatest Strength: Its Bullpen

Ruined might be a bit severe, but blatant overuse from the first week of the season has made a mess of the bullpen.

Andrew Bailey, the rookie closer—who Geren won't name him as the closer despite all evidence to the contrary—is on pace to throw more than 90 ...

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