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Greetings From Washington, by Adam Dunn

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

What's cookin', fellas? Shoot, the ball we playin' now just ain't cuttin' it.

Honestly, I'm fit to be tied. Personally, I'm playin' real well, still jackin' a ton of bombs and all that, but this damn team can’t stop losin'.

We're 4-15, geez, that’s even worse than when I was playin in Cinci!

Don’t get me wrong, the guys here seem like fine folks. Ryan, Nick, Austin, and the rest are all great guys, but I still get the feelin' they look at me as some crazy maverick.

Yeah, maybe I don’t fit in real well, but I'm carryin' this team right now. Even Manny told me the...

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