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Hey, Put that Back! Leave Yankee Stadium Alone!

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

First, Monument Park was destroyed, then the grass was pulled up. Now, the seats are being ripped out like Ruth's heart is being ripped out of his chest.

Regardless of the 1976 renovation, with every pull of a blue seat, every Yankee legend, alive or gone, feels the pain.

While the 2009 New York Yankees and their fans celebrate across the street with three walk-off victories in May of 2009, old Yankee Stadium is alone and empty, with strangers inside wearing construction jackets ripping apart its insides.

Let's face it: it had to happen eventually. We all know that, but that doesn't mean we want it to happen.

I was lucky to go to two games in the old park, and it still hurts me.  I could...

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