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How Does David Ortiz’s HR Drought Compare to MLB History?

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

In light of David Ortiz recent home run slump I thought it would be interesting to lift the veil from the archives and see how he stacks up with other Major League Sluggers. Did you think that was a pretty long streak? Well, that wasn’t even Big Papi’s longest, depending on how you analyze it. To set parameters for this study I first chose all home run hitters past and present with 500 or more career totals. Then I checked the 50 HR club, past and present and used those power hitters as well. Keep in mind, presently there are no statistical searches of this kind that are presently available prior to 1954, so we are limited in that respect. Then, how do you determine the slump? Do you use the number of the games the sl...

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