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How Manny Ramirez Killed Baseball and Why It Scares Me to Death

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Hey all, I've just got done reading Bill Simmons story about Manny Ramirez's suspension (very moving piece, I recommend any baseball fan or sports fan read it). It got me thinking not just about Manny, but about team's futures, specifically my Detroit Lions.

As I read Simmons poignant piece, two thoughts entered my mind: "Holy crap, if the Red Sox were willing to go that far to win and the fans just put on blinders, how far would I accept the same level of PED(performance-enhancing drug) use on my Lions?" and "Where do I go from here, as a baseball fan?"

But first things first. As this article is about Manny, let me first react to the news.

Wow, am I blown away. It was one thing for Bonds, Clemens, and A...

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