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Hump Day Look See: 5/27/09

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

It’s time again for the hump day look see, a random collection of stats and thoughts to help get you through your fantasy week. the look see will appear every Wednesday evening for the remainder of the season. You can make sure you catch each installment by grabbing a free email subscriptionthrough feedburner or picking up the RSS feeds on the main page.

Those of you who have been diligently awaiting the arrival of Matt “I am the savior of the Orioles” Wieters will finally be rewarded come Friday. Oscar Meyer Wieters will make his ‘09 debut this weekend. While I am not sold on his impending stardom I admit he is among the most exciting prospects to emerge this year, or at least the most hyped.

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