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Jamie Moyer: Macho Row Phillie of the Week

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

This week's Macho Row Phillie of the Week is Jamie Moyer.

While it took Moyer a while to reach his milestone 250th win, which he did yesterday, the fans and team finally got to reward him with a nice little tribute.

The modest Moyer will view his 250th career win as just another win for his team, but he should be congratulated for his success.

Moyer had some moderate success over the past week though.

Since last Monday, Moyer pitched 12 innings and allowed five runs. He also struck out nine batters, though those numbers probably won't impress many people.

I think he pitched well against the Florida Marlins on Memorial Day except for one inning, although the four runs he allowed hand...

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