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Joe Girardi Does Not Have a Clue

Published by on May 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I got home from work yesterday and thought I had a migraine headache.

I turned on YES to see what Mike Francesca was up to, and I knew that the headache was only about to begin.

Francesca was literally laughing at the Yankees starting lineup.

He was laughing! Gardner, Pena, Cabrera, and Cash! "Are you kidding me?" Francesca asked.

I thought there had to be some mistake.

The Yankees were coming into the game after an off day.

They were facing the team with the best record in the American League, Toronto, which happened to be starting Doc Halladay, arguably the best pitcher in the league who would enter the game with a 6-1 record.

And Girardi has decided that ...

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