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Luis Castillo Is a Man

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Earlier this week, Mets manager Jerry Manuel walked out mound to get Johan Santana.  Johan did not want to come out of the game.  He's a competitor and he was beating the Phillies.  I understand.

We learned after the game what he was saying to Manuel on the mound.  Johan has a saying, "I'm a man, I'm a man."

I don't know what Johan means by this; I'm sure it has meaning to him.

What I do know, is Luis Castillo is a man, and I'm proud to have him on my team.

I fully admit in the hours immediately following that dropped pop-up I was demanding Castillo's head.

My initial reaction equated the symbolism of his dropped ball against the Yankees with Tom Glavine's futil...

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