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Manny Being…Womanly?

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Manny? Really? I’m not going to sit here and lie to any of you, I ABSOLUTELY used to love Manny Ramirez.

He won two championships for the Red Sox, and, let’s be honest, his antics always entertained, as they were seemingly harmless and comedic acts done by a savant who could flat out hit a baseball.

It wasn’t until his final year with the Sox that I realized how much of a poison he could be. He was no longer the sheepish and goofy professional hitter. Yeah, he could still murder a baseball, but his immaturity and selfishness were the new emotions, and his act was killing the team.

He threw a senior citizen to the ground over tickets. He showed he could stop trying by looking at three strai...

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