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Manny Ramirez Tests Positive: Dodgers Fans’ Worst Nightmare Comes True

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

It began this morning with a text message.

"Bye-bye Manny. 50 games."

I laughed, thinking my old roommate was playing a joke on me. Manny wasn't hurt; he was perfectly fine. I watched him hit last night, and he ran fine, too. But then I wondered, why so specifically 50 games?

Then it started to sink in what my roommate meant.

As I pulled up ESPN, the lead MLB news sent my heart first into my throat, then into my feet. Boston fans had to be eating this up.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Manny Ramirez has tested positive for as-yet-unspecified performance-enhancing drugs, and the Dodgers have already told Triple-A outfielder Xavier Paul to pack his bags and head for Hollywood.
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