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Mariners: Holy Hindenburg Batman, Where Oh Where Has the Offense Gone?

Published by on May 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I have heard it said before, and I do believe it: One of the hardest things to do in any sport is to hit a baseball.

But with 14 guys on the roster, you think that someone could do it. OK, that’s not fair, I hear ya, but last night the Mariners were held scoreless again, thanks to Joe Saunders dazzling the Mariners at the plate with the nine inch in circumference, five ounce object with white with red stitching we call a baseball.

I guess we should be thankful that Beltre decided to take advantage of the tip that if you take that wood off your shoulder and swing it on a horizontal axis, sometimes it makes contact.

With a 2-for-4 night, Beltre raised his staggering offense to a whopping .207 avg. If ...

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