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Meet Bryce Harper, Baseball’s LeBron

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Bryce Harper, meet the world.  World, meet Bryce Harper.  Oh, and you may want to add him to your contacts list.  That would be a very wise decision.

In the past 16 years, several events have changed the world.  America elects its first African-American President.  9/11.  The Dark Knight.  Bryce Harper was born. And now, ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, I introduce you to future Hall of Famer, Bryce Harper.

Now there is no way possible that right off the bat (no pun intended) can a 16-year-old boy out of Las Vegas be promoted as baseball’s savior.  Yet I assure you, this case is different.  This guy may very well be the real deal.

When one thinks...

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