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Mets Fans, Join M.A.S.C. Today!

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

As a species, man has achieved so much.  We have cured disease, explored the cosmos, and created structures that have survived for millennium.  Yet, some goals still lie seemingly beyond our reach.  Namely, getting the Mets organization to stop trying to force a Sweet Caroline sing-along on their unwilling fans. 

I'll stop right here for a moment and say I have nothing against the song or Mr. Diamond himself.  In fact, while on line for a beer at Citi Field before Monday's game, Diamond's "America" began to play over the P.A. and a small part of me was hoping the pitchers mound would open up and Neil would rise out of the smoke and treat us to a live rendition.  The pro...

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