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Milt Wilcox and I Get a Hair Cut

Published by on May 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Thursday afternoon I walked into the Berkley Chop Shop, a barbershop in my hometown opened by an old high school friend a few years back. I was overdue for a clean up and had an hour to kill so it seemed the appropriate thing to do. All five barbers were busy so I took a seat in the corner and waited my turn. Sitting across from me was a very familiar looking man, mid 50’s, about six foot two...I knew that I knew him from somewhere but just couldn’t place the face. Then one of the barbers wandered over and said to him “Milt, I’ll be with you in a bit.” Turns out it was former Detroit Tiger Milt Wilcox. When I got in my car to head out for a haircut, I wasn’t planning on writing about ...

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