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MLB Under the Bleachers: June 1st

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The Big Unit May Be the Tallest, But He's Not the Last

Barring some truly unexpected development, Randy Johnson will become baseball's newest 300-game winner within the next couple of weeks. With no obvious candidates left to join the elite club, it's reasonable to ask if the Big Unit will be the last guy ever to win 300 games. 

No way, says this writer. We may not know who the next big winner will be, but someone will come along to do it. Heck, just ask any Yankees fan; Phil Hughes is only 292 wins shy. Piece of cake.

A Giants Fan Eats Some Crow

It takes a big man to admit he's wrong, and it takes an even bigger one to admit his hated rivals have a great team. That's exactly what o...

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