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Murphy’s Laws of Fantasy Baseball For Beginners

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

For all you fantasy baseball geeks out there (don't be insulted, I view this as a term of endearment), you could rattle off numerous things about fantasy baseball that just drive you insane. For any of you fantasy baseball newbies, I will try to ease you in to the pain that fantasy baseball can, and undoubtedly will, bring. Here are my five Murphy's Laws of Fantasy Baseball.


1. The Single-Day Pickup

Some leagues require you to set your lineup at the beginning of the week, for the entire week. However in some leagues, you can set your lineup on a daily basis. Some prefer this in case of injuries, off days, rain outs, double-headers, etc. So let's say you're in a league in which you set your lineup ...

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