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My Baseball Bar Mitzvah; A Story Of Maturity and A Shirt

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Being Jewish, turning 13 was a big turning point.  I became a 'Bar Mitzvah,' directly translating to "son of good deeds."

What the meaning actually is more relates to growing. Right around 13, a boy starts becoming a man, so often the Bar Mitzvah in Jewish culture is used to symbolize the becoming of a man.

So, what do you do to become a Bar Mitzvah?

You read from the Torah, the Holy Scripture, for the first time. You throw a huge party.  Then you get lots of gifts.

For my Bar Mitzvah, I decided to focus more on the actually become a Bar Mitzvah, not so much the party.

My Torah portion was difficult, and took six months of hard ...

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