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Naming Kerry Wood’s Slider

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Great people often do great things. Fortunately for the rest of us, even those in the mediocre majority can enjoy flashes of greatness.

I had such a moment while watching Kerry Wood pitch Sunday.

I was talking to a buddy on the phone, complaining about Wood's penchant for falling in love with his fastball (sometimes hittable) and forgetting to mix in the slider (usually unhittable).

Simply put, the slider is nasty.

So he got a hitter into a two-strike count and right after I pleaded for the slider, he tossed it over the plate, freezing the hitter for the third strike. Elated, I shouted, "There's the widowmaker!"

And there you have it. Kerry Wood's slider has its nickname, the Widow...

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