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New York Radio Hosts At Odds Over Joba Start

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

New York drive-time hosts Mike Francesa and Michael Kay are a study in contrasts.

Unlike the majority of callers to his show WFAN's Francesa tends to not overact to the whim of daily wins and losses, while ESPN's Kay is prone to hyperbole and sensationalistic outrage. This was reversed during Wednesday show's as each host chimed in to comment on Joba Chamberlain's latest outing.

Putting to bed the rotation or bullpen argument for a second, as I'm sure we are all loath to do, Francesa and Kay had very different takes on the young pitcher's performance Tuesday night. 

In the Kay camp were many New York columnists, including the knowledgeable Joel Sherman of the Post. Under the headline, "Game shows Job...

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