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One Red Sox Fan’s Take On Manny’s Suspension

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Since the news broke that Manny Ramirez had tested positive for some PED, I have been tuned into sports talk radio, watching ESPN and MLB Network, and reading what I could find.  One recurring thought pattern that I picked up on is that many pundits are wondering out loud if Red Sox fans are happy, sad, or indifferent about the news.  So, for what it’s worth, let me tell you about one fan that is anything but happy.

First and foremost, the steroid issue is much bigger than one team.  With each new story that comes out, baseball takes a hit.  So far, the game has managed to withstand the bludgeoning blows that began with Canseco, Caminiti, continued with Bonds, McGuire, Sheffield, and Palmero, and have co...

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