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Philadelphia Phillies: No Streaking Allowed at Dodger Stadium

Published by on June 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The Phil’s streak was halted. I hate it when a fantasy comes to an end. That’s why I miss the 70’s. You can’t fault an era when everyone took it off and let it hang in the wind.

Now that’s an idea for a promotion at Citizens Bank Park—a different type of giveaway.  Trust me, when it comes to hot ballplayers, nothing excites me more than “giving it away,” but what if we didn’t “get” something?  What if we gave something up? 

What if they had retro night at the park and in honor of a lost era, we all took off our clothes? 

I know some young guys in section 145 who’ll be happy they sit in front of me instead of behind...

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