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Pittsburgh Pirates’ Run Totals Aren’t Doing Them Much Good

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The Pittsburgh Pirates more than batted around, scoring nine consecutive runs in yesterday's game against the Colorado Rockies in the seventh inning before making an out, and 10 runs in the whole inning in an 11-4 victory. That's a record of sorts.

Altogether, the Pirates outscored the Rockies 19-11 over the weekend. It could have been enough for a 3-0 sweep.

But it wasn't. The Rockies won the first game 3-1, wresting away in the ninth inning what could have been a 1-0 victory for the Pirates. And therein lies the problem.

So far in the season, the Pirates have scored 162 runs and given up 158. With an odd number (37) of games, intuition suggests...

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