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Ryan Braun: As Cocky As He Wants to Be

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The first thing the Milwaukee Brewers general manager said to the media about Ryan Braun upon his call-up in 2007 was, "he is a very confident young man."

In the two years since, no one is disputing that claim by Melvin.

Ryan Braun won the NL Rookie of the Year in 2007, despite missing the first six weeks of the season while still in Triple-A Nashville. He followed that up last season with MVP-type numbers and led the Brewers to their first playoff appearance since 1982.

Braun has never lacked in confidence. In fact, I'm sure there are fans of many NL teams out there that would call him cocky. I wouldn't dispute that fact or try to argue the opposite viewpoint.

Braun's swagger and home run cel...

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