Featured, MLB NEWS

The 5 Most Absurd Retirements in Sports

Published by on May 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

With the recent Brett Favre retirement saga still ongoing, I started to think about the some of the most annoying retirement non-retirements in recent sports memory. As opposed to some retirements that were just ill-advised, like Mark Spitz trying out for the 1992 Olympics, these retirements or so-called retirements just get on your nerves after awhile. While players and coaches of this stature deserve to go out on their own terms, sometimes enough is enough, and they just end up hurting their own legacies. Want a couple good ways to retire? Try John Elway, who retired after winning the Super Bowl in 1999, or "Dr. J" Julius Erving, who retired in 1986, and spent the season receiving standing ovations, gifts, and accolades from every NBA cit...

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Featured, MLB NEWS

The 5 Most Absurd Retirements in Sports

Published by on May 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

With the recent Brett Favre retirement saga still ongoing, I started to think about the some of the most annoying retirement non-retirements in recent sports memory. As opposed to some retirements that were just ill-advised, like Mark Spitz trying out for the 1992 Olympics, these retirements or so-called retirements just get on your nerves after awhile. While players and coaches of this stature deserve to go out on their own terms, sometimes enough is enough, and they just end up hurting their own legacies. Want a couple good ways to retire? Try John Elway, who retired after winning the Super Bowl in 1999, or "Dr. J" Julius Erving, who retired in 1986, and spent the season receiving standing ovations, gifts, and accolades from every NBA cit...

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