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The Best Pitching Stat Every Assembled= NLD+K-W

Published by on October 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Baseball fans love their stats.  And why not?  Stats allow fans to remain engaged with their favorite or most despised players long after the game has ended.  But, do we follow the right stats.  Up until a few years ago most fans thought that batting average was the best way to judge a players performance.  We now know better, as BA does not take into account such important attributes as how many times one gets on base or how many bases they acquire on their hits.  

Fielding statistics seem to be getting better by the day, with Ultimate Zone Rating (UZR) leading the charge at the moment.  But, what about Pitching?  We used to believe that ERA was the be all end all, however recently WHIP (or walks p...

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