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The Bronze Medal In Baseball Records

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

They are records that many of us know well. We know who holds the record, and we know who they passed, or who came in second. But let's test your knowledge. Do you know who is third place for these career stats?

Hits, RBI, Wins, Saves, and Stolen Bases. See how many you can get before you read ahead in the article...

While you think about it and before I move on, let's reflect on the most famous bronze medalist in baseball—Mr. George Herman Ruth.

Asterisks or not, Babe Ruth moved down to number three when Barry Bonds belted career homer number 715.


Pete Rose passed Ty Cobb with career hit number 4190 on September 11, 1985 at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati. Rose went on...

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