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The Great Chicago Rivalry: Cubs/White Sox and What It Means to Us

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

"Ernest, you're from Chicago. You know what it's like. Those three days in June and July just seem to have a special feel to them. The air smells different, the people act different, and your day becomes centered around that final score. The only problem is trying to explain this sort of inner-city rivalry to anyone else, because they just don't get it. On those six days in Chicago, we play for the bragging rights for the rest of the year."

This is the fourth time I've tried to write this column. It's been hard because every time I start, I end up forgetting something huge and have to start from scratch.

I sent a group of my oldest friends and acquaintances messages about trying to tell the Cubs/White Sox story. Orig...

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