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The King of Never-to-be-Broken Sports Records

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Any time a major statistical feat is reached in sports, it is placed on a pedestal with the typical context of "enjoy it folks, because you'll never see that again."
...Then the record gets broken again within a couple years...

Even the grandest of records that nobody thought would ever be broken have been shattered. Lou Gehrig's conescutive games streak is now Cal Ripken's game streak, homeruns in a season has now been broken multiple times thanks to the wonders of illegal performance enhancers, passing yards, touchdowns, etc. Records in many ways are made to be broken.

But there are a few that stand the test of test, and reaslistically it can be said that those will never be broken.

I got into a co...

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