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The Mystique of Yankee Stadium Is Gone

Published by on May 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Today I was lucky enough to go to "The Palace that George Built," and frankly, it was so much nicer than the old one.  The wide open aisles and the many different eating establishments made it much more enjoyable than the old Yankee Stadium.

In doing all of this, the Yankees have created a truly state-of-the-art facility but, the one problem that I found is it is missing the Yankee Stadium mystique it once had across the street.

In the old Yankee Stadium it was just very loud and chants would start  often and continue for long periods of times.  But now in the white collar environment that COO Lonn Trost has created the Yankees have lost the home field advantage with the lack of noise that is made by "...

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