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The New House Had a Smell

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

It was not all bad. The house was clean and all ready for its first of 81 home dates. What a sight it was!

You could not ask for a better day to play ball. The sky was bright and the $1.5 billion house that money built, in the face of a recession, was at its best. It was a full house.

The long awaited, say 85 year wait, was over. It is clear. The house that Ruth Built is a mere shadow of what it was. Ariel shots during the game Thursday afternoon showed the two stadiums in striking contrast. The old Yankee home was there, standing like a forgotten friend, a shell of of what was.

The form was there but the internal heart was gone. The infield and outfield grass was completely removed and it all resembled a...

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