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The New Yankee Stadium: A New Englander’s Review

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

From a New England perspective, Fenway Park is to the old and decrepit Foxboro Stadium as the new Yankee Stadium is to the world class Gillette Stadium.

I have been of the opinion for quite some time that Fenway Park is past its day and should be demolished, and with a recent trip to see the New York Yankees take on the New York Mets on June 13, 2009, I'm not quite sure I can happily attend another Red Sox game at Fenway.

It's that bad.  Attending Patriots games at Foxboro Stadium was fun, this cannot be disputed.  But after experiencing Gillette Stadium, do any Patriots fans really have any desire to return to the former facility?  Not a chance.

Color me highly impressed with wha...

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