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The Pitch Count: Does it Hurt or Help Young Pitchers in the Long Run?

Published by on May 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

One of the most talked about things in the game of baseball in this day and age is the pitch count that pitchers now adhere to. What makes this such a topic for debate is that 10, 20, 50 years ago, the number of pitches a pitcher threw in a particular game wasn't a huge factor of concern.

Back in the day, if a pitcher got to the seventh inning and just gave up the lead, he would likely be removed from the game for that reason, not because he had reached or was close to a certain amount of pitches.

I'm sure there are a lot of statistics that would show that once a pitcher gets close to 100 pitches, he's going to be less effective, and that's when it's time to bring on the relievers.

Does it make sense to l...

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